Alumni Interview #6: Anace Heddan
Impressions and thoughts from SPS alumni on their experiences with the Schools of Political Studies
Anace Heddan (Morocco)
1) Tell us about yourself, your professional /academic interests, education, work experiences or other things you believe are important to know you better.
My name is Anace Heddan and I’m a youth activist. After extensive 5 years studying political sciences and international relations, I started focusing on empowering youth participation in public affairs through civic engagement by providing a holistic approach to equip youth with the skills and the knowledge they need to get involved in the public life.
I first founded Tiflet Young Leaders Network, which is a local NGO that offers trainings, voluntary work and also simplify the reading of the Politics, public issues and policy advocacy to young people.
After that, I joined Les Citoyens an associative movement that fights for a better living of Moroccan citizens as a Project Manager, I developed what we call “Cafés Citoyens” which are periodic gathering events that take place in different regions of Morocco. That are now a platform of dialogue and free speech space where young Moroccan citizens gather to express themselves about several public issues, in a friendly, respectful and relaxed atmosphere.
2) Which SPS did you attend and in which year did you graduate?
I attended ECEP Morocco in 2016.
3) How did you first hear about the Schools of Political Studies and what persuaded you to apply?
I heard about the Schools of Political Studies through social media, I quickly realized that the program fits perfectly with my studies and interests, and also it was an opportunity to enlarge my professional network.
4) What was your most memorable experience during the training cycle?
We had great time during almost all the training cycle, each and every moment was really memorable, mainly because we tried each time to combine the useful with the pleasant.
5) What were your impressions of World Forum for Democracy?
I was really surprised by the number of international participants coming from different parts of the world. It was a huge occasion to discover the programs, the outcomes and the perspectives of other Schools of Political Studies. However, I feel sorry that we couldn’t follow up with the other participants after the Forum, we have a huge network with many common objectives but we still need a strategy in other to cooperate with each other.
6) If you could give one piece of advice for those about to start the new training cycle what would it be?
Try to network as much as you can, there are many interesting people with whom you can develop beautiful things.
7) What are you up to nowadays?
I’m full of energy to empower Moroccan youth and participate actively in elaborating public policies with regard of youth participation in social, political and economic life.
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