Moldova - European Institute for Political Studies of Moldova (2003)
The European Institute for Political Studies (EIPSM) in Moldova was launched by the Council of Europe in December 2003. The EIPSM aims to contribute to the establishment of a genuine democratic culture by training the new Moldovan political elite, including leaders of political parties and civil society, equipping them with the capacities needed to promote democratic reform and to bring Moldovan society closer to the principles and values of the Euro-Atlantic community.
European Institute for Political Studies
16/1 Puskin street
2012 Chisinau
Tel. : +37322 222 503
Fax : +37322 222 504
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Director : Viorel CIBOTARU

“I am very proud that since its foundation in 2003, the European Institute for Political Studies in Moldova has offered advanced political education to about 450 young leaders from different political parties, members of parliament, outstanding journalists, analysts, opinion leaders, representatives of the judiciary, lawyers, representatives of civil society, businessmen and women, mayors, people from the private sector with an active role in the social sphere and civil servants from all over the country. The EIPSM involves its alumni in its activities when they participate in various projects aimed at consolidating democracy and the leadership capacities of Moldova’s new political elite. Many of the EIPSM alumni are currently very important decision-making leaders.”
Viorel CIBOTARU, Director
About the School
As an independent organisation of the Moldova’s civil society, the Institute also offers a forum in which diverse views about democracy, rule of law and European integration can be considered and debated. The EIPSM also brings new voices to the roundtable, thereby extending and deepening the democratic and social dialogue.
More specifically, the EIPSM aims to:
· Organise international conferences and seminars on the key aspects of the democratic process in the transition countries with a focus on the specific environment in Moldova
· Bring together at each seminar/conference 35 young leaders, aged 20-35, representatives of the local political elite and eminent scholars and experts from the Western institutions
· Allow for an exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences of those working with Western democratic institutions
· Reduce political illiteracy and raise competences among the representatives of local political parties, parliament, state and public administration bodies.
The Institute involves in its activities the representatives of parliament, of the central and local public administration, leaders of the associative sector organisations, the experts in media, law, market economy, etc. In this way the Institute encourages the creation of a new core of professionals that will form the new political and social community able to implement the democratic model of government.
The main methods of education and training of the new generation of leaders comprise seminars and conferences – with interactive sessions – focused on practical democratic experience and adjusted to the cultural, historical, political and institutional environment and context of Moldova. Each session consists of lectures, presentations, question and answer sessions, small group work, as well as plenary sessions allowing for a broader exchange of views and debate. The moderators and discussants involved in the planned activities take care of creating of the atmosphere in which ideas, information and experience can be freely exchanged and tolerance and respect of difference become the main principals of communication.
The programme targets young women and men (up to 35 years) who are active already in different spheres of the society life. The Institute ensures a participation reflecting and representing the full spectrum of political views in the country. For more information about how to apply, contact the School directly.
About the Director
Dr Viorel Cibotaru has been the Director of the European Institute for Political Studies of Moldova since 2006. He holds a PhD in Journalism from the Academy of Science of Moldova (1986). He also studied at the State University of Moldova (1980), continuing his training and professional development in Moscow, St. Petersburg, London, Geneva and Missouri, as well as the NATO Defense College in Rome, the European Centre for Security Studies in Germany and the Polish National School of Public Administration. Between 1988 and 1992, Viorel Cibotaru held several senior positions at the National Congress of the Trade Unions of Moldova. He subsequently joined the Moldovan Armed Forces, and was promoted to Colonel, serving as Editor-in-Chief of the Ministry of Defence weekly publication, Head of PR and Head of the Foreign Relations Department.
Following this, he took up the role of Programme Director of the Institute for Public Policy in Moldova, heading projects such as the Public Opinion Barometer and Ethnobarometer and the Small Arms and Light Weapons Monitor. Viorel Cibotaru has also served as Executive Director of the Documentation and Information Centre on NATO, Senior Associate Fellow of the Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of the Armed Forces and in 2015, held the office of Minister of Defence of the Republic of Moldova. He has been the President of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova since 2016. Viorel Cibotaru teaches several university courses in journalism and has published numerous academic articles on journalism and matters of national security and defence.